My squeaking bathroom door

Every time anyone goes in an out of our bathroom at night I can hear it because the bathroom door squeaks. I've asked by husband to fix it so many times that I am sick of the sound of my voice. I am getting a contractor to fix the job and do all of the other jobs on my husband's to do list. I am sick of nagging him, so I'm hiring in someone to get rid of all of these little issues. This blog is for other fed up wives who just want to see their houses fixed like they asked.

Top tips for making your staircase senior-friendly


Whether you have elderly family members, or your own mobility is reduced, ensuring your staircase is safe for seniors to use is vital. Renovating a staircase can be expensive, however, so small improvements can help elderly stair-users remain safe without breaking the bank. Let's look at some helpful tips for making your staircase senior-friendly.


As our eyes naturally deteriorate as we age, the visibility of potential hazards around the home is increasingly important. You can easily improve the safety of your staircase by providing a well-lit space for elderly stair-users in your home. Even if your stairwell is flooded with natural light during the day, installing adequate electric lighting for evening use is highly recommended. To further prevent stumbles and falls, ensure that each step is well-defined. This can be achieved simply by highlighting the tread or edge of the step with colourful reflective adhesive tape, available from any good hardware store.


A stair with a non-slip surface and decent tread width is essential to providing a safe path for seniors to your second floor. Remove any slip hazards such as loose carpeting or rugs, and if the stair surface is slippery you may wish to improve the traction. Installing rubber stair-treads with a textured surface will greatly increase the safety of your staircase, as can anti-slip step covers and adhesive traction strips.


While most residential staircases have at least one handrail, it is crucial to the welfare of senior stair-users to confirm the stability and support of your handrails. Improve the safety of your staircase by installing suitable handrails on both sides. The thickness and grip of the rail should also be considered: as many seniors have weakened handgrips, a thicker handrail will allow elderly stair-users to maintain a firm grip while ascending and descending your stairs. Polished handrails are an attractive design feature; however, they can be slippery and provide a hazard for seniors looking for stability. Ideally, opt for an unpolished rail with a diameter of around 4 cm, set on strong fittings that are far enough away from the wall that the stair-user can maintain a strong grip. If you have an elderly family member with visual impairments, you may want to consider a coloured strip along the rail to provide visual contrast. 

Work with your elderly family members or visitors to create a safe staircase environment, customised specifically to their mobility needs. Discuss your staircase safety improvement options with your trusted local general contractor.


6 January 2016